Friday, June 21, 2013

Redefining Strength

I’ve always considered myself to be a strong person. Strong physically, strong mentally, and strong emotionally. Probably too strong at times. To me, being strong meant taking care of myself, not letting emotions get in the way of logic, keeping it together in times of crisis, and being a steady rock. 

My mother-in-law gave me a beautiful cross with the scripture from 2 Corinthians 12:9 printed on it. I love it and I have it hanging in the living room where I can see it all the time. It says “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness”. The other day I was looking at that cross and reading those words and I thought, What does that even mean? Why is everything a riddle?

First, I went and got my Bible which is the paraphrase called The Message. I love it because it’s so simple. 2 Corinthians 12:9 MSG - My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.

Well that’s a little clearer but what I am supposed to get out of this? I knew God was really trying to tell me something. I had been staring at that cross and those words for days. So I asked. What is my lesson here?

He told me that my definition of strength is all wrong. I’m thinking in the natural. I’m living in the natural, and operating in the natural, when as a child of God I should be living supernaturally. The true definition of strength is the willingness to be weak (physically, emotionally and mentally) and trust that God’s strength is enough. 

“Look around you,” He said, “look at the people I’ve brought into your life. Remove your blinders and your judgments and look at them the way I look at them. See the things you would once have called a weakness and recognize the true strength in those people.”

So I looked around. I looked at the people in my life. And I saw unbelievable strength, given to them through the Father. 

I saw the single mother. How hard she works to provide for her child. How she probably struggles with loneliness and longs for a partner in life. How it would be easy to feel sorry for herself. But she lives a virtuous life. She is an amazing Christian example for her daughter. She’s constantly seeking God in everything and will not compromise in any area. She has put her faith in Him to provide for the needs of her family. 

I saw the single father. How he processes the pain of divorce behind closed doors so it won’t affect his child. How he wishes that the right person would come along and he could have a traditional family again. How he could wallow in his situation, raising a child on his own. But instead he gives it over to God. He seeks, and prays, and learns. And he believes that the Father will provide for his family as well.

I saw the married couple that has beaten the odds. How they faced a relationship torn by infidelity and other issues. How they could have easily walked away. How they had people encouraging them to do that very thing. But they didn’t give up. They both, individually and as a couple, asked God to fix the relationship. They both allowed God to work in them alone and the marriage blossomed. They have an amazing connection now that they may not have ever had before.

I saw another married couple who have risen above their struggles. How their marriage was deteriorating because of pornography and hypocrisy. How again it would have been easy to walk away. But they didn’t. They sought out God to work on them and their relationship. They both have a communion with the Lord that is awe inspiring. They’ve allowed themselves to be messengers for God by being open and transparent about their problems. 

I saw the woman who had worked in the sex trade. How she could have been a victim her whole life. How she could have used her circumstances to stay in that lifestyle. Instead she rose above. She got out. She converses with the Father on a level I’ve never seen before. She has taught me about hearing God and obedience.  She put herself in His hands and he’s blessed her beyond measure.

I saw the former addict that’s been clean and sober for two years. How hard it has to be to stay away from the people that were part of her old life. How she works hard and is trying to get an education but there are roadblocks all along the way. How it would be easy to fall back into old habits. But she’s learning to give it to God. That He will provide a way. He will remove the obstructions and give a clear path to His will for her.

I saw the woman that lost her mother, her father, and her mother-in-law all within months of each other. How it would be understandable to throw in the towel. How she could have lived in self-pity. How she could have cursed God and said I’m done. Instead she turned to the Father. She didn’t allow the root of bitterness or depression to take hold in her life. She handed it over to Him and believed His will was done. She knows that she may never understand the situation in a natural sense, but she believes that He is looking out for her.

I saw the husband with the sick wife. How it would be easy to get frustrated and ask Why me? How it has to be difficult to not be able to “fix” the situation. How it’s got to be hard to not get irritated with her inability to do things and to get tired of picking up the slack. But he doesn’t. He prays and praises and thanks the Father for all his blessings. He soldiers on, day after day, to provide for his family. He gives everything over to God and has unshakable faith that the needs will be met. 

I don’t have enough space or time to list every single person that went through my head. I can tell you it literally took days. God showed me over and over and over again how people in my life had trusted Him with their problems, had laid their weakness at His feet, and He had strengthened them into modern day Samson’s. Then He asked me to do the same. 

I won’t pretend it’s easy for me. I’m a control freak that likes to be strong in her own right. This is a struggle for me in my faith. But the closer my relationship gets to the Father the easier it’s becoming. Thankfully He’s patient with His children. And thankfully He’s surrounded me with amazing examples of how lives can be changed by giving Him complete control and total trust.

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